
About Me


“Do a job you love doing & you will never work a day in your life” – that’s me!

Data Driven

The main reason that most online marketing efforts are not as succesful as they should be, or even worse, fail, is that the marketing efforts are not measured correctly. All the leading online marketers in the world, be that Neil Patel, Gary Vaynerchuk, Ron Loomer or any of the others, will all tell you the same thing – you need to MEASURE the effectiveness of your campaigns to be able to improve – thats the mantra I live by!

My Mission

In order to be successful with your Google Campaigns, not only do you need to measure your campaigns, you also need to be able to quickly implement the latest techniques in your strategy. Google are constantly evolving – and so should your online strategy.

Why I'm Different

What I constantly discover when speaking to new potential clients, is that they feel that their digital agency is not really delivering an acceptable ROI on their Google adspend – with me , I can assure you, that will not be the case. I treat your business as if I were marketing my very own business.

My Process


Let's have a discussion

The first step!


Analysing your existing Google Campaigns

I will do a thorough Audit of your existing Google Advertising Campaigns.


Improvement Recommendations

I will provide you detailed recommendations on where you can improve your campaigns.


Trial Campaign Setup

I will create a new Google Ads campaigns to run as a ONE WEEK TRIAL.


Run Trial Campaign

The new TRIAL campaign will run for ONE WEEK in order for me to shwo you what’s possible.


Post-Trial Call

At the end of the one-week trial, we will have a call to discuss the results and for me to show you the data.

My Google Ads Trial

I’m keen to show you what is possible with CORRECTLY DONE Google Ads – get in touch and I will chat with you about doing a Google Ads Trial Campaign so you can see the results for yourself!

I am based in Johannesburg, South Africa. We start with either a Skype or Zoom call.

My time and effort in setting up your Trial Campaign is absolutely Free – you only pay for the actual Google spend in your Google Ads account.

Absolutely – I will send you a detailed report of the Trial campaign performance at the end of the trial.

The answer to this can only be seen at the end of the trial, but many clients have seen up to (and sometimes even exceeding!) a 100% increase in their Google Ads ROI.

Once the trial is over, I send you a detailed report of campaign performance and all key metrics. We then have a call to discuss.

Would you like a NO OBLIGATION TRIAL?

I will put my money where my mouth is – I’ll run a one-week Google Ads Trial to show you what I can do. This Trial is FREE – how’s that for confidence? Book a Free Consultation with me, and we can chat about the Google Ads Trial.